Thursday, June 28, 2012

Two but Not Two Maia Sautelet RHS Hampton Court 2012

Maia's garden takes shape
Link to RHS Hampton Court Website
This garden illustrates the Buddhist concept of oneness of life and its environment. Although these two concepts are depicted as two distinct phenomena, they are essentially non-dual and are in fact two integral phases of a single reality and have been depicted in this garden where the boundaries between inside and outside have become blurred.
The theatrical design has been inspired by the aesthetics of Japan and features kokedama, plants that seem to be suspended within the garden.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Rob Harris Tokyo 2012

Amazing pictures from photographer Rob Harris from his recent visit to Tokyo with Angela 
Lots of neon, angles, architecture and cherry blossom. More to come, so this is just a taster - Enjoy!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Making a mess can improve your gardening

JapanGarden are really pleased to be helping in a very small way with this RHS Chelsea Garden. The use of a galvanised heavy rain chain directs the water into the collecting tub - a delightful way to enjoy running water. Good luck to Dr Rebecca Slack and her innovative and informative team.

Published Thursday 5th April 12
A University garden at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show highlights how messy gardens can boost pollination, manage water and increase carbon capture.
Research by scientists at the University of Leeds has shown that having a 'messy' area in your garden is the most effective way to give bugs a boost and improve pollination in gardens.

The University is to exhibit a garden at this year's RHS Chelsea Flower Show that actively demonstrates how, with clever yet minimal changes to their gardens, everyone can be an "ecosystem services champion".

"If everyone were to make a few, key alterations to their garden, the cumulative difference we would make to the environment could be very significant," said Dr Rebecca Slack, of the university's Faculty of Environment. "It doesn't matter how small your garden is, it can still make a real difference - in fact our garden is deliberately based on the kind of garden you'd usually find in Yorkshire's urban fringe in order to show just how easy it is to get involved."

The University's RHS Chelsea exhibit has been designed to resonate with the RHS Environment theme of "urban greening" and has been developed by a team of academics from two faculties at Leeds who are researching ecosystem services.

The team includes: Dr Gordon Mitchell and Dr Slack from the Faculty of Environment and Professor Les Firbank and Professor Bill Kunin from the Faculty of Biological Sciences. The team are working with Chelsea gold medal-winning designer Martin Walker who is helping to bring the research to life. Support has also been given by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) which has funded much of the research into ecosystem services, including most recently the Insect Pollinators Initiative.
The University of Leeds exhibit focuses on three specific areas: Making an area of the garden messy to provide nesting sites, such as "bug hotels" for pollinator insects, and habitat piles for other pollinating invertebrates, and planting pollinator-friendly plants that often thrive in poor soils; Managing storm water by slowing water flow through the garden and preventing run-off by collecting and storing water to maximise retention within the garden; Making the garden a carbon sink rather than a source of greenhouse gases by composting to make mulch, reducing use of artificial fertilisers, growing vegetables and fruit, and planting green roofs and walls to insulate buildings.
 "Our design is based on an average urban garden," said Martin Walker, the acclaimed Chelsea gold medal winner. "But we've made a few vital tweaks: the path is made of permeable material, so that instead of water running off the surface into drains, it percolates into the soil and stays within the garden. There's a cottage garden section planted with a mixture of fruit bushes and companion flowering plants: the flowering plants attract pollinators and encourage pollination of the fruit allowing gardeners to grow their own and reduce their carbon footprint."

Dr Slack added: "We're showing a garden that's just like any other - it's the kind of garden you or your friends have - it's meant to look familiar, rather than different. What we're showing is the science behind a garden and the many benefits, or services,that a garden ecosystem can provide for the gardener. By focusing on the services of pollination, carbon sequestration and water management, we show that many of the measures gardeners already take are making important contributions to the ecosystem functioning of a garden but is easy to do more."
 The University of Leeds is also to launch a "virtual garden" on Facebook where people can grow their own flowers and shrubs and leave gardening tips, effectively making everyone that takes part a member of the University's online ecosystem.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

A Japanese Season in Wales

Japangarden are very excited to be assiting Michael Nixon the Curator of "Wales Japan Design Project" in producing shoji screens for this International Japanese Exhibition

1 April – 24 June 2012
A Japanese Season in Wales

Rooted in sustainable design, Japanese Style celebrates the subtle and beautiful work produced by Japan’s designers and makers. Featuring Applied Art, Architecture, Ceramics, Contemporary Craft, Design
and Textiles


Reiko Sudo, NUNO
Tōhoku Ceramics – stoneware and
porcelain from The Hale Collection
Kagure – Urban Research –
Sustainable Craft

Architectural Studios and Residencies
Studio Archi Farm: Kazuya Morita:
Tono Mirai: and Nurturing the Spirit: Osamu Ishiyama Laboratory, Waseda University, Tokyo; Smout Allen, Bartlett School of Architecture; the Design Unit of the Welsh School of Architecture

Ceramic Residency
Masterclasses by Shinsuke Iwami
with David and Margaret Frith at
Brookhouse Pottery

Retail Gallery
Japanese Makers resident in the UK – Ceramics, Textiles, Contemporary Craft and Design

Link to Ruthin Craft Centre
Ruthin Craft Centre,
Park Road, Ruthin,
Denbighshire, LL15 1BB
T: +44 (0)1824 704774

Monday, March 05, 2012

Private Garden Sponsor needed for Hampton Court 2012

Maïa Sautelet has asked JapanGarden to publicise her Summer Garden at Hampton Court this year with a view to gaining private or corporate sponsorship. If you feel that you would like to be involved please contact Spencer at japangarden on 01531 630091 or email

"Dear Spencer,

Thanks very much for your help and advice, please see attached the visual for a Summer Garden at Hampton Court Flower Show 2012, I'd be very thankful if you publicise it on your website.

It is called 'Two but not two' or esho funi, illustrating the buddhist concept of oneness of self and environment. This is a garden where the boundaries between interior and exterior have merged. The hanging plants are kokedama, or string garden, plants and soil wrapped and hung. I come from a theatre design background so the garden is quite theatrical.

The company I work for will provide labour and equipment so we're in a good place to build a show garden, compared to if I were a designer on my own with helpers.

As I said, the budget for it is £6000 minimum.

Thanks again and I'll be in touch to update you,

Maïa Sautelet"